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Most families experience serious difficulties sometimes. If it feels like family relationships are suffering, if you’re no longer sure what to do for the best or family members seem stuck in repeating patterns of hurtful or harmful behavior, Family Therapy may help

What is Family Therapy?

Families are small and unique communities. Like
all communities they sometimes get into difficulties
through their differences with one another, or feel the
strain when members experience troubles.
Family and Systemic Psychotherapy – often called
Family Therapy – helps people in close relationship
help each other.

How can Family / Counseling therapy help?

It enables family members to
express and explore difficult thoughts and emotions
safely, to understand each other’s experiences
and views, appreciate each other’s needs, build on
family strengths and make useful changes in their 
relationships and their lives.
Sometimes it doesn’t take much to help a family
free up their strengths; sometimes difficulties are
more complex and families may need longer to fi nd
solutions that work for them.

Family and Systemic Psychotherapists are highly skilled professionals trained to work with marriage and family counselingchild and family counselingbehavioral family therapy, family counseling services with  young people, adults, carers and other professionals. Their aim is not to take sides, blame, or provide simple answers. Rather, they aim to engage family members in sharing understandings and exploring ways forward that work for them. With respect to practices, some family therapists invite all family members to all therapy sessions. Others conduct family therapy with individuals, by empowering them to manage their relationships with family members in more satisfactory ways.

our expertise profile located in various cities like Mumbai, Pune, Delhi, Goa. you can’t choose your family but you can choose your therapist. We at the state and mind helps you find the best suitable counselor for your specific need during your search for family counseling.

How Might it help Me and My Family?


Research shows Family Therapy is useful for children, young people and adults experiencing a wide range of difficulties and circumstances, as well as the relationship problems. These include:
• Family communication problems
• Child and adolescent behavior difficulties
• Mental health problems
• Couple relationship difficulties
• Illness and disability in the family
• Separation, divorce and step-family life
• Anorexia, bulimia and other eating disorders
• Fostering, adoption, kinship care and the needs of ‘looked after’ children
• Domestic violence
• Self-harm
• Drug and alcohol misuse
• The effects of trauma
• Difficulties related to aging

Book an Appointment

Let’s Talk, Let’s Heal, Let’s Feel

Family problems occur across all stages of the lifecycle.

Here are some examples:

• A six-year-old child whose parents cannot control him and who pushes his sister down the stairs.
• A 13-year-old girl who worries her parents because she will not eat and has lost much weight.
• A 19-year-old boy who believes he is being poisoned and refuses to take prescribed antipsychotic medication.
• A couple in their mid-30s who consistently argue and fight with each other.
• A blended family in which the parents have both previously been married and who have difficulties managing their children’s unpredictable and confusing behavior.
• A family in which a parent has died prematurely and in which the 13-year-old has run away from home.
• A family in which a child is terminally ill and will not follow medical advice.
• A family with traditional values in which a teenager ‘comes out’ and declares that he is gay.
• A family in which both parents are unemployed and who have difficulty managing their children without getting into violent rows.
• A black family living in a predominantly white community, where the a 16-year-old boy is involved in drug abuse in a delinquent peer group

family therapy is an effective way of helping people solve complex life problems. It is also a fascinating adventure for family therapists.Visit yours at The state And Mind expertise panel.

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